EcoWeb Garden geocellular systems are an engineering multi-component system of perforated high-density polyethylene strips connected by ultrasonic welding. They are widely used in landscape architecture as well as in infrastructure construction in solutions for erosion control and strengthening of steep terrains, construction of  green parking, gravel roads and alleys, strengthening of weak foundations, lining of canals, rivers and others.

Historically, the use of a geocellular system dates back to the 1980s, when the US Army Corps of Engineers developed a method of holding tactical routes over soft ground. Engineers have found that once filled with sand, the systems provide the ability for heavy road construction equipment to pass over soft ground. Over time, geocellular systems have been further improved for many other soil stabilization applications and become an innovative product accessible to all.

More and more specialists from different areas of the investment process are looking for innovative methods for solving problems with weak foundations, steep terrain, drainage and more. System solutions with geocellular systems from the EcoWeb Garden series are a wonderfully efficient, environmentally friendly and economical solution.

The EcoWeb Garden series offered by VJF systems are used in:

  • Vertical terrain planning and erosion control;
  • Terrain modeling and creation of geoplastics;
  • Strengthening weak foundations under roads, parking lots and alleys;
  • Construction of gravel roads, parking lots and alleys;
  • Construction of grassy parking lots;
  • Construction of green pitched roofs;
  • Facing of canals, rivers, etc.

The specialists from the Landscape division develop technical solutions and, in collaboration with their partners, successfully apply the EcoWeb Garden series of geocellular systems in the field of landscape construction with various applications.

  • Geoplastics in green areas, provided for seasonal flowering;

Seasonal flowering on geoplastics and sloping terrains is an extremely easy task when the terrain provided for these purposes is pre-strengthened by the EcoWeb Garden system. This prevents soil leaching and facilitates the process of replacing vegetation in every season.

  • Terrain modeling and erosion control with geocell system EcoWebGarden;

The EcoWeb Garden system is suitable for erosion control and strengthening of steep terrains. After installation and filling it with soil, it allows it to be landscaped, both with shrubs and by grassing. EcoWeb Garden allows unobstructed installation of an irrigation system and planting of trees.

  • Construction of green pitched roofs with EcoWeb Garden system;

EcoWeb Garden systems are also applicable for the construction of intensive and extensive green pitched roofs. They do not allow landslides and removal of soil and plants, and thanks to their perforations ensure drainage of water and the roof.

  • System solution Grass Road for making green parking lots;

Grass Road is an innovative solution that provides ideal conditions for the development of the turf, with exceptional stability of the parking area. The system is suitable for construction of green parking areas in yards.

  • System solution Drain Road for construction of gravel parking lots and alleys;

  • System solution Sand Road for reinforcement of sand base for making pavements;

Drain Road and Sand Road are system solutions based on the EcoWeb Garden system. created from strong and time-resistant materials. The ability to fill with a variety of internal material (gravel, drainage stone, sand, etc.) makes them attractive solutions for playing temporary approaches, alleys, playgrounds and parking lots, both in the yard and in the park environment, and on beach areas, protected and forest areas.

  • System for green flexible retaining walls.

A variant of the standard EcoWeb Garden system is the EcoWall system. It is used for terracing the terrain and building flexible green retaining walls, providing a very suitable environment for the development of any type of plants. The ability to fill it with a variety of internal materials (gravel, soil, sand, etc.) available on the site make it a preferred solution by both professionals and amateurs.

VJF has the capacity to deal with the challenges associated not only with landscape design, but also with those that nature gives us. The long-term experience of VJF specialists helps to preserve and create a sustainable green urban environment.