MacRes® Concrete vertical wall system. Project: Sofia South ring road – road junction between Mladost and Gorublyane

Sofia South ring road project includes construction of a six lane road, four road junctions, several pedestrian overpasses and underpasses and bridges over rivers Iskar and Kalna. The project aims to optimize the constantly increasing traffic on the ring road. Present construction works on Sofia South ring road is in progress between road junction with Tsarigradsko shose and road junction for Mladost.
VJF team provided technical assistance in the design process of the soil reinforcements along the ring road and supplied materials for the MacRes® system, which is a soil reinforcement structure with concrete panel sight face. The system is used in the construction of both road junctions.
MacRes® system, because of its vertical sight face, is a preferred method for soil reinforcements in urban areas, where buildings and private land properties limit the standard dimensions of a road slope. The system is build from pre-fabricated concrete panels, which eliminate the need of concrete works on the job site, reduce work time and lower the total construction costs. The combination between the concrete panels and the high tensile strength strips, that reinforce the embankment, make the MacRes® system a reliable method for constructing soil reinforcement structures, that are subjected to heavy loads. The vertical sight face reduces the volume of the embankment substantially.
VJF has over 25 years professional and wide-scale experience in the construction and supply of products and systems for soil reinforcements in infrastructure and environmentally sustainable projects.