Steelgrid® System for rockfall mitigation and slope consolidation works, Ring road city Gabrovo

In mountain regions due to surface erosion formed by environmental impact (rain, winds, temperature range) slope consolidation works are strongly recommended. The selection of the correct system for rock fall migration depends on the slope characteristics.
VJF provided technical assistance in the design process for the slope consolidation for the new part of the Gabrovo Ring Road. On part of the slopes are used Steelgrid® HR System which is a composite of double twisted steel wire hexagonal mesh with high tensile strength steel cables, woven into the mesh with spacing between them of 30 cm and 100 cm. Also anchors are used in combination with the composite mesh.
Steelgrid® HR System is an innovative complete system for rockfall mitigation and slope consolidation works. The Steelgrid® HR System combines a patented high strength steel wire mesh geocomposite which is used in conjunction with anchor plates, specific U-bolts and mesh connectors. Depending on the project the system can be used in combination with HEA panels, different kinds of anchors and additional steel ropes.
VJF has over 25 years of professional and wide-scale experience in providing and implementing sustainable infrastructural and environmental solutions.