Waterproofing System on the Roof of the New Building Synthesia by VJF Engineering

The construction of the new office and warehouse building of Synthesia Ltd. started in the summer of 2019. The company is specialized in the trade of inks, polymers and solvents. The modern multifunctional building is situated in the district of Krivina – in the eastern part of Sofia.
The building is functionally divided into two big shelve-type warehouse areas, another two warehouse areas, physically divided by floors and an office area, which is a separate part inside the building.
VJF Engineering was chosen by the General contractor for the waterproofing works on the roof of the building. The roof structure of the new multifunctional building is designed partly as reinforce concrete and partly as steel frame structure. Waterproofing solution for both parts of the roof structure involves application of vapour control layer membrane, hard stone wool and thermoplastic PVC membrane.
Alkorplan 35176 is a UV resistant waterproofing membrane with excellent mechanical properties, which makes the membrane suitable for mechanical fixing.
In our engineering activity, our aim is focused on providing and implementing optimal solutions which are in accordance with each different project – short-term completion, sophisticated design and specific conditions.