With in the “Integrated project for construction of WWTP-KOSTINBROD and upgrade and modernize the sewerage and water supply network, and facilities on them in KOSTINBROD” was performed to rivers Blato and Belica bank stabilization in territory of Kostinbrod municipality.

River training was necessary die to the bad condition of riverbeds – highly overgrown with vegetation, a large volume of discarded waste, and improper cross-sectional geometry and slopes .Established a real danger of increase water level and flooding of the river crossing road, rail and walking bridges.

The river beads were reshaped and together with banks were protected bilaterally with VJF’s materials. The total length of the river training is over 7000 meters.

Construction and materials used

Cconstructed are retaining walls of two rows of gabions made of double twisted wire mesh with a strong face to the watercourse. The diameter of the wire on the front face panel is 3.9 mm. The choice of the solution is determined by the need higher level of protection of the construction. So it becomes more resistant to the floating downstream fallen trees , debris and the ice break.On third row of modular construction are laid modular reinforcement Terramesh Systems with additional PVC coating and the highest level of corrosion protection.

For further increase the resistance of the construction, in a specifically designed places are installed ground anchors with depth 3m. For draining and separation function under and behind the retaining wall is laid nonwoven polypropylene geotextile.  In zones of a rain water outflow pipes, the river bed area is protected with 50 sm layer of gabions.