Sofia Tech One is a new office building, located near the main entrance of Sofia Tech Park. All waterproofing works on the building, including foundations, the basement slab, and all roofs and terraces, were done by VJF Engineering.

The building consists of two underground parking levels with 400 parking lots, ground floor and 11 floors with open space offices of the highest quality. The property received also a sustainable construction certificate, under the BREEAM system.

The system solution for the waterproofing of the basement was made in accordance to the need of strengthening of the excavation. A double-layer system with SBS bitumen membrane was chosen due to the significant amount of waterproofing works under the foundation slab and around basement walls.

The floors above the ground are organized around a landscaped courtyard with green areas and recreational spaces. The ground floor is designed to be open to the outside perimeter of the building with passages. There are also two ramps for car access to the parking levels. In accordance to project specifications and with attention to each detail from the large scale ground floor, VJF Engineering accomplished all waterproofing works in short terms.

There are two terraces on each floor. The waterproofing solution for all terraces, as well as for the cantilever over the main entrance of the building, is once again a system with two layers of bitumen membrane.

In line with the modern practices for sustainable construction, on the eleventh floor of Sofia Tech One, there is a green roof. The system solution for this type of roofs includes application of dimple HDPE membrane above the waterproofing layers, which provides water retention for the vegetation.

For reliable waterproofing of the flat roofs, VJF Engineering installed polymer bitumen membranes, consisting of APP compound, which are characterized with high temperature resistance. The second layer is with mineral upper surface, which additionally protects against UV rays.

As a company with over 25 years experience with waterproofing solutions and works, VJF Engineering has the ability to propose and install all waterproofing systems of significant and large scale projects, like Sofia Tech One.